Club Trips + Races

We love riding local routes, but it sure is fun to mix it up a bit! Plus, there’s hardly a better way to get to know your teammates than spending a long drive or weekend with them, our trips have been the catalyst for many lifelong friendships.

Trip destinations, logistics and timing may vary year-to-year, and just like everything on our calendar, these trips are totally optional.

Ready to join a trip? Check out the TeamSnap links for more information!


March 7-12. A newer addition to our trip calendar, this one week trip to Tucson, Arizona, is designed for our Navy/Black Gravel and Road Riders.

Perfect for self-sufficient riders looking to get a jump start on spring riding and enjoy the desert in mild temps.

Registration is closed for 2024.


May 3-6. Glamping in the Vineyards has become our favorite "all genres" road trip.

Roadies, gravelers, and mountain bikers of all levels cross-pollinate to set out on pavement or dirt.Rides vary from MTB in Fruita, to a gravel ride over state lines into Utah, to a leisurely ride to local Palisade vineyards.

We call a resort by the Colorado River home for the weekend while enjoying local wine tasting, lounging in the water, and sharing stories around a campfire.

Registration and information in TeamSnap.


May 17-19. This is an incredibly beautiful area to ride in and is perfect for all road rider levels.

We’ve pedal up to the Maroon Bells, cycled through Snowmass to the Woody Creek Tavern for lunch and margs and an out-and-back to the summit of Independence Pass.

With most routes including some kind of out-and-back, those who don’t want that magnitude of a ride have options to cut their ride shorter and easily head back to town.

Registration and information in TeamSnap.


July 20-21. There’s so much to explore in Colorado’s high country and, while we'll have many destination day rides throughout the year, this weekend we'll reserve for all genres and rider levels in Summit County.

Registration and information in TeamSnap.


October 2024. Gravel riders and mountain bikers rejoice for our weekend in the cyclist’s mecca of Moab.

Team leaders organized the trip to epic proportions: a group campsite, carpools, rides for different ability levels, and even a shuttle service to bag epic trails. For those who love NOT camping, they grabbed their own lodging in town and just met up at trailheads.

Since it’s a haul to get from CO’s Front Range to Moab, this has been at least a 4-night weekend. Some folks had to arrive a day late or leave early, and that’s OK. We’ve learned things over the years so the Moab trip is recommended only for blue (intermediate) riders to black (advanced) levels.

Details TBD and announced on TeamSnap.

Club Races

This year we are pulling out all the stops for several popular races.

Check our Sponsor Directory for discount codes to these races and more!